Dr. Claudius "C.B." Claiborne
Interim Dean
C.B. Claiborne brings to the role of Interim Dean 30 plus years experience in the public and private sectors focusing on innovation, teamwork and collaborative partnership. He was part of a six faculty team that planned and started a new business school and a new university at California State Channel Islands.
As Interim Dean, of the Jones Business School at Texas Southern, he positioned the school as a driver of change that engaged community and campus cohorts to accomplish real world educational impact.
As part of the SACSCOC QEP Executive Committee, he played a central role in the university’s and school’s accreditation processes.
He was part of a team that developed one of the first Executive Online MBA Programs in the country that focused on Information Security and was targeted to information technology managers.
He has worked with a wide range of faculty and community leaders on successful, multi-year projects. The Jones Leadership Fellows’ project, “Peace, Power, Respect, Dignity, Love: the Development of a Black Arts Exhibition,” was selected by Apple Inc., as one of only twelve programs world-wide, to be presented to their International Sales Organization of over 1000 people, as an example of innovation in education.
He received multiple teaching innovation awards for his work to revamp the four foundation courses; (finance, marketing, management and information systems) into a 12 hr course co-taught by executives from the business community.
He has chaired the Southwestern Business Administration Teaching Conference and edited special editions of the International Journal of Business Research (IJBR). He has published in the Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, Journal of Business and Psychology, Social Indicators Research, Applied Research in Quality-of-Life Studies and the International Journal of Business Research.
He was Director of one of the first Small Business Administration (SBA) units located on a college campus. Where he managed staff, developed business plans, conducted focus groups for new business ideas and reported to the state.
As a young man, he played a role in integrating college sports in the South. He is an Apple Distinguished Educator, Fulbright Scholar, Sasakawa Fellow and Presidential Scholar.
He holds MBA, Ph. D. And Doctor of Humane Letters Degrees.